

2024919日下午,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学曾宏波教授受邀来访,并作题为“Exploring Hydrophobic Interaction and Its Correlation to Surface Wettability”的学术报告。

报告摘要如下:Hydrophobic effects play important roles in a wide range of natural phenomena and engineering processes, such as the coalescence of oil-in-water emulsions, air flotation of mineral particles, folding of proteins, and assembly of amphiphilic polymers and biomembranes. In this talk, I will review some of our experimental advances in characterizing hydrophobic interactions on different material surfaces with varying degrees of hydrophobicity, which were achieved through direct force measurements at polymer/water, self-assembled monolayer/water, and deformable air/water or oil/water interfaces. Results will be shown on the effects of dissolved gas, specific ions, and spontaneous cavitation of confined water film between approaching hydrophobic polymer surfaces in degassed solutions. We have also quantified the interactions between water-in-oil or oil-in-water emulsion drops and polyelectrolyte surfaces (i.e., zwitterionic, cationic and anionic), and elucidated the intrinsic wetting mechanisms of the polyelectrolyte surfaces. It has been also found that the strength of hydrophobic interactions does not monotonically change with the hydrophobicity (e.g., water contact angle or wettability) of hydrophobic surfaces, which can be modulated by nanoscale surface structure and chemistry. These results provide useful insights into the development of novel functional materials and coatings for a wide range of engineering, bioengineering and environmental applications.

报告人简介:曾宏波,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化学工程和材料工程系终身教授、加拿大皇家科学院和工程院两院院士、国家讲席教授、分子力和界面科学首席专家。获清华大学工学学士和硕士学位,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校博士学位。目前研究方向主要包括胶体与界面科学、高分子材料、分子和纳米力学、以及各种工程过程的界面现象等。已在高水平SCI期刊发表论文500余篇,撰写和主编专著一部。获加拿大化学和化工学会创新奖、阿尔伯塔大学工程研究优秀奖、工程本科教学优秀奖、工程研究生教学优秀奖、杰出导师奖和工程研究职业成就奖、国际杰出青年化学工程师奖、加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会Steacie奖(国家科技最高奖之一)、Killam教授奖、范德华(van der Waals)奖等。现兼任Advances in Colloid and Interface Science主编,Science China MaterialsSupramolecular MaterialsFriction等期刊副主编。