荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Han Zuilhof教授应邀做学术报告


20241012日上午,应化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室石峰教授邀请,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Han Zuilhof教授作了题为“Tailor-made pillararenes:From Beauty to Usefulness的学术报告。

报告摘要如下:Over the last decade the field of organic macrocyclic chemistry has received a big boost by the development of so-called pillar-arenes.  The main proponents of this class of ring-shaped molecules display an intriguing 5-fold symmetry, and the relevance thereof will be illustrated in the route that led towards these compounds: starting from treatments for cholera toxin via nifty synthetic organic chemistry and unexpected crystal structures to the isolation of well-defined macrocycles that have a decorated top and a ‘flat’ bottom: crown-shaped tiararenes!

Then we turned this beauty into supramolecular usefulness: we used pillararenes to provide novel supramolecular ways to deal with a global environmental problem: the removal of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water. We developed a simple method, cleaned – without any further purification – Chinese river waters from PFAS, demonstrate its usefulness for 21th century water cleaning, developed an easy way to detect PFAS and finally, demonstrated some beautiful supramolecular complexes along the way.

报告人简介:Han Zuilhof(生于1965年)担任瓦赫宁根大学有机化学系主任。在获得化学硕士(有机化学)和哲学硕士(知识理论和逻辑)后,他获得了有机化学博士学位(莱顿大学,1994年;全部为最高荣誉)。在美国完成博士后研究后,他加入了瓦赫宁根大学。他还是中国天津大学分子科学的常年杰出客座教授。他担任/曾担任多家界面导向期刊的编辑(顾问)委员会成员,皇家化学学会会员(2018年),并于2021年因对点击化学的贡献获得RSC Robert Robinson合成有机化学奖。他创立了一家衍生公司(Surfix2011年),是两个儿子的幸福已婚父亲,是一名狂热的业余天文学家,热爱中国,尤其是贵州。